Welcome to the Zone Legends web site.
We appreciate you stopping by to see what were all about. This site and links are deticated to MSN zone gaming. So take a look around.
What and who the Zone Legends are. Zone Legends are a multi game zone clan. We have many members in different online zone games, some of which include Riskll, Age of Empires Kings edition and Age of Empires Mythylogy edition. ZL are people who play competively but for fun and share a common passion online games. To play with friends and make new ones. We play with honor and accept defeat gracefully if it comes.
What it takes to become a Zone Legend.
You maybe required to pledge this clan if your not friends with a member. If you are associated or even invited by a member you still may be required to pledge this clan. Pledging includes playing several games with other members before you join. If your zone game requires it, you may also have to belong to a ladder or a league.